Thursday, July 21, 2011

Positive Thoughts

I started writing this as a complaint.  Two sentences later I realized that I needed to think positive to eliminate the negative.
Tired and Hurting everywhere........ I am Thankful for my Job
On the fence about Love........... I am thankful he is alive
Providing the one Income..........  It is hard, but there are others in more dire situations
Resentful of never having time to my self.............I would miss everyone if they were not here
Feeling like I could easily become a loner..................  I can be social
Forgetting who I am...........................................I will re-evaluate this
Sadness can overwhelm me in a Flash...............don't take things so seriously is how I should be
Feel Stuck Financially...............................I make enough to take care of our needs
I severely Detest going to the grocery store....................   I am glad I have coffee creamer, and food too.  

People around me really are into them selves....... they think of just them, and what will benefit them.  They think that by not saying something, and then I see it....... Makes it some how ok, when it is not......why hide stuff........because it is an alliance between them,  I act like I do not care, but I believe inside I do.  It feels like a slap in the face .  In free minutes, I from them.....I do not want to say something and be mean.....or lose my temper.  Then they excuse me of other stuff.  I don't want them to know anything about my life.....I think the 2 around me are also two faced,,,,,,and maybe a 3rd one too.  As I think about it......I really think that 8 of them are really just manipulaters, users, and I am not that smart to realize it.  Scary, but I guess My eyes are getting a bit clearer......and less cloudy.  Everytime I think that I see some open gate where they are being kind, I find thousands of reasons why it is fake.
Man I am just a Beach,  Well I am done Wining for now..........

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Loohoo, thanks for sharing your site with me. For trusting me with your words. I know how that can feel, words are feelings. I think you have inspired me to get back to both my blogs...maybe!
    I like the name you've chosen. And the blog name to.
