Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sharing some words

If no one was ever to occasionally (respectfully) criticize us, then how would we get insight on ourselves & become fully aware?
 We are often unfocused & distracted from the multitude of things we have to juggle. While we may always have the best intentions, sometimes we are blind to our actions & how we affect people due to it. 
In order to learn, grow, adjust, change, or improve, we need to become, or be made aware of things. Don't get discouraged or let criticism affect you negatively so much. 
Hey, we are all human. No one is perfect. And it is not "always" meant to hurt you. It can also be a good thing sometimes & helpful if you use it.
 It can serve to awaken, inspire, strengthen, & motivate you to make amends, fix, re-focus, switch directions, or positively move forward again in your life. 
While on occasion it may seem or feel negative, or even hurtful, always keep an open mind. You may thank someone one day. :)

1 comment:

  1. I have a friend who can become so depressed if she thinks someone has said something to her which hurts her feelings. She can stay in this state for months on end and makes herself and family very down. I've often tried to help lift her spirits, but when one preceive "life is all about me", it is hard to accept that not everything people say is "about me".
    You are so right! We need to be open and really hear what others are saying.
    See you tomorrow!
