Sunday, July 31, 2011

Trusty Steed

Oh Trusty Steed
you stand so tall
strong and kind

I hearYour Neigh 
and I know
you want to play

My friend, 
I share with you
my deepest secrets
my fears, wants and needs
and this works for me

You are the Friend
who listens well
never judging
who lets me sit a spell

We ride together
my loving friend
Just here and there
and in the wind.

You are very good to me
yet, silently you want some feed.
My good Ole Trusty Steed

July 31, 2011
Sheila Burnette

Thursday, July 28, 2011


So tired of Noises,
I hear them all day around me.,
The Noises of the voices,,,,,,
The loud stories and laughter
It becomes GRATING
Noise of The fans, The doorbell , 
The phone ringing.

I savor silence........
don't talk to me,,,,,,,,
Don't bark at me,,,,,,,
Turn the TV off.
I need some Silence
To drown the Noises 
That never go away
from the inside of my head.

Just Quiet.............


Trying to believe, and be
the what and way
I want to be

Trying to see the good
view it from above where I should
A clearer view with silent eyes
searching for the common ties

Trying to find
the apple pie
by the
the golden rule

Trying to realize 
the difference between 
fancy and truth

Trying to hide
allowing some time
before I die
a working mule

trying to .................

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


If I could only stop fighting my self
Things would be easier........I am so sure.
Sadly, I've been trying, and sometimes I am good,,,,,,,,and I am growing and my leaves are thriving.
I provide some shade,,,,,,,and greet my people, enjoy their presence and ........
Yet there are times, my branches sag.....and my leaves they curl, I feel my strength dwindling sadly.
I know I must stand strong......I try as I am,,,,, to keep the strength, for those whom will need,
My saplings a grow, under my branches and leaves.

I don't even know how to spell tonight.........
But I am the tired tree........


Friday, July 22, 2011

Shedding Tears

To Shed a Tear
Not in fear
My heart feels heavy

Yet I will keep
pushed by emotion
My eyes do weep
Tears on my cheeks

Memories I recall, of moments past
to think of them.... some, I will pass  
Select a few and make them last 

A falling Tear
drips over the cheek
close the eye
to let it weep

Talks to have, decisions to make
My head I will shake
and tears I will make.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Positive Thoughts

I started writing this as a complaint.  Two sentences later I realized that I needed to think positive to eliminate the negative.
Tired and Hurting everywhere........ I am Thankful for my Job
On the fence about Love........... I am thankful he is alive
Providing the one Income..........  It is hard, but there are others in more dire situations
Resentful of never having time to my self.............I would miss everyone if they were not here
Feeling like I could easily become a loner..................  I can be social
Forgetting who I am...........................................I will re-evaluate this
Sadness can overwhelm me in a Flash...............don't take things so seriously is how I should be
Feel Stuck Financially...............................I make enough to take care of our needs
I severely Detest going to the grocery store....................   I am glad I have coffee creamer, and food too.  

People around me really are into them selves....... they think of just them, and what will benefit them.  They think that by not saying something, and then I see it....... Makes it some how ok, when it is not......why hide stuff........because it is an alliance between them,  I act like I do not care, but I believe inside I do.  It feels like a slap in the face .  In free minutes, I from them.....I do not want to say something and be mean.....or lose my temper.  Then they excuse me of other stuff.  I don't want them to know anything about my life.....I think the 2 around me are also two faced,,,,,,and maybe a 3rd one too.  As I think about it......I really think that 8 of them are really just manipulaters, users, and I am not that smart to realize it.  Scary, but I guess My eyes are getting a bit clearer......and less cloudy.  Everytime I think that I see some open gate where they are being kind, I find thousands of reasons why it is fake.
Man I am just a Beach,  Well I am done Wining for now..........

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Passing

Today was a passing of many things.

My age is now past me, and I am a new age.......... As it is my birthday.

 A great man whom I have known since I was 3 Passed today, and we are very sad.........

It is setting in right now......the fact that he is gone as we know him here., but he is free,  and walks now through his property with ease.

Now I am so tired I am having muscle spasams,    gotta get some sleep

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Our changes

Everyday we change as does our surroundings.  Our body, our way of thinking, our emotions, our lifestyle, our medical condition, our financial situation, and so much more.  Outside stressers can cause a multitude of symptoms.  Hard as it is, we do not have control over 99,9% of it.  Only part we can control is how we respond, and NOT react to it.  If we react to everything every minute of every day, we would go crazy. (maybe we are crazy).  Of all the 1% of what we DO have control over is a small # and a huge amount.    If we find ourselves NOT being happy and cannot pin point what it is, we have to know that WE must find that inner happiness of ourselves first, concentrating on taking care of ourselves, will allow us the strength, and thought to find acceptance in our lives as it is.  Yes we can make it somewhat how we want it, but don't expect too much.  There is that fine line between what we think we want or need, and what we find that we can be content with, and what we really do need.  Being with the right people/surroundings is a big part of who you are or who you want to become.  If they can have it, why cannot I, If they can do It, why can't I.  Well I may or may not be able to Do or Have what they do, but I only have to have what makes me content in my life.  Who is most important, Keeping up with the Jone's or just Being who you are.Who are you.  What is important to you.  Goals that are easily obtainable,,,,,,, and keep ideas for bigger ethings in the back of your mind.
  Enough ranting for now,  Its life.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

In The Middle

In the middle of my forest.......... I just want to scream.  It is the middle of the cycle, and I can feel the tension in my body.  It sucks.  It zaps me and I am so so tired.  I feel like I have just ran a marathon.  Of course I have been running one for a couple of years now.
I also find that at this time of month, I do not accept snide comments form others who think they are superior some how.  I don't respond, for a couple of reasons,  It is not worth it to get riled up. and It would not make a difference to anyone and just make me look bad. good reasoning, Yet I then stew about it of course.  which really sucks.....  Real tired of being slapped in the face by the comments referring to my situation.
  So tired of working 12 hour days....... and coming home to NO Dinner cooked, and  "He has been busy too."  OK, I can see what he did, but why not think that dinner should be ready by 6ish, and who ever can be home eats, and the others get to pick,,,,,,, I mean really......... I need to give him a menu.
ok, so I am just being cranky......... I know there are others of your who is cranky too :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Just Life's Journey, as it Changes

Life for me has changed, like a tree changes.  Hence
"The Feeling Tree"
I learn something new everyday,,,,,,,I love quotes...........and I hope to read yours.  

A Welcome Tree

Hello,,,,,,,, This is not intended to be all about trees.  But I wanted to share what I wrote that inspired me to start a Blog, along with the help of my friend Linda.

At the Edge of the Meadow
Surrounded by aged pines, I stand........... Swaying in the breeze
My white trunk solid, holding each strong branch
bearing my leaves as they flutter in the wind.
Whispering my strength through my every vein
Sun shining through and into my inner circle, feeding my soul.
.....Chilled winds and rain blow down.  My changing leaves of Red, Orange, Yellow and Brown
falling over a small space in time.
For snow soon to fall, I shall sleep, only to wake in the spring.