Monday, March 12, 2012


Oh how we worry. We all do it. But the trick is to let it go, stop the worry for it will consume you.

We all worry about the "what should haves", and "what will be's" but the fact is we cannot change them.

We cannot change what yesterday was, or what happened, so we should not worry.

We do not know what tomorrow will bring, we have no clue, and we have to handle it when tomorrow does get here, but we worry in advance and we worry of the unknown tomorrow's.

Worry only weakens the strong, and saddens the happy!

So my new thought is let's be concerned if there is cause to be. Let's learn from the past and do things differently. Let's get excited about our future, because it has yet to come!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Sheila, nice words. Worry weekends the strong, saddens the happy. Wise words. See you soon.
