Monday, November 19, 2012

Anger Fills

The Anger seeps out of you,
In every non smile,
Every word, every look.
Your Angry,...... You are not who you were.
Sadly the Anger it feeding off of you, destroying you
Your compassion is thin, your patience is GONE,

The Anger  oozes from you

Are you in a box, one of selfishness, one of uncaring, one of ANGER?

Please come out and play while we are still here.

Find your joy, and live with loving kindness toward yourself and others, and...
Be done with this  hateful Anger inside,
Practice daily....random


Wednesday, November 14, 2012


If you can forgive, would, you will feel better....?
Forgiveness given is a huge gift,  But to do it,...... is a huge task.
Jesus forgives us all, every day for all things

Forgive, it is such a big big word,  when you really think about how Big and Hard
the meaning of this word really is.  It is an act done by one,, if It can be found.  Where do I find it?

If you can truly forgive a situation that has caused you pain, Do you also forgive the person?
The person who caused a pain that I cannot forget.......A pain that I think about daily.

I cannot change who they are or how their morals run, they may do the same act again....
Do I, knowing this, forgive anyway?
what does "forget" have to do with "forgive" anyhow?  We're not really going to forget, not really!
People cannot hear when they are hurt.  The pain is blinding
People cannot think when they are overloaded with life, then add pain (hurt).
And forgiveness Becomes harder....
People cannot forget when they are accused,
It is what others think that which is not true.
I cannot change their way of thinking.
Sometimes broken things can be mended and be stronger than they were before.
Mending is the Hardest part........
Glue is not the fixer........
but if I could get glue to work,  I could forgive.......... &Forget?

Sunday, November 11, 2012

How Do You Deal

How do you deal

With the pain that you feel?

Or....That all consuming feeling in your mind

That won't heal.

How do you deal with the trials of life,

Those people around you,

Or The ones closest who hurt you the most? 

How do you deal

With the feeling you have?

Of The memories of their words.

Just DEAL.....

Friday, August 17, 2012

This Feeling

Oh Lord what's this feeling I have today
Driving down this road I go
To a place I know
Where the pine trees grow
And the cows roam

What's this feeling I have today
As I'm driving down this road
Up in the mountains I go
To a peaceful place I know

Oh Lord what's this feeling I have today
As Im driving down this road with you
Up to the meadow
To a peaceful place I go

To be with my daughter
As she marries her soul mate
Brought together by you Lord
In your peaceful place
We know

Monday, March 12, 2012


Oh how we worry. We all do it. But the trick is to let it go, stop the worry for it will consume you.

We all worry about the "what should haves", and "what will be's" but the fact is we cannot change them.

We cannot change what yesterday was, or what happened, so we should not worry.

We do not know what tomorrow will bring, we have no clue, and we have to handle it when tomorrow does get here, but we worry in advance and we worry of the unknown tomorrow's.

Worry only weakens the strong, and saddens the happy!

So my new thought is let's be concerned if there is cause to be. Let's learn from the past and do things differently. Let's get excited about our future, because it has yet to come!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Loving Kindness

I was given a book called "the sacred art of loving kindness". This book is a spiritual book that in the first chapter made me think about myself. Not in a selfish way, but to be an observer of how I am. Wondering if I am narrow minded, and surly I figure, no not me, I am pretty open minded. Then to find, no. Like most of the rest of the humans on earth, I too am narrow minded. So in reading and studying this book, I will learn new ways of thinking (to say the least) and perhaps have a better understanding: it is my choice to choose. Wondering now these words: will you engage this moment with kindness or cruelty, with love or with fear, with generosity or scarcity, with a joyous heart or an embittered one.
Because most of us are emotionally charged and feel anger and fear we therefore are in the narrow mind ( like most humans)
If we feel like we r part do the whole ( Spacious mind)
So as deep as I may feel this is, I am interested in all the knowledge I will accept and receive.
It is good to make my mind work, because sometimes I feel like my knowledge of some things has dissappeared some how thru the years of life.
We shall see....

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Traveling through Life

The connection of people in life can often be described as sticks floating in a river. Each stick being unique and sometimes traveling with another. Going over the same rapids, through the same sun warmed calm waters and swirling with the tides. Often for years the journey connected, strangely through all the rising and falling river waters.
Yet at some point, separation may come. A fork in the river can cause many waves, and who knows where we will end up today, tomorrow, or even father in the future.
As the waters travel so do these sticks, together and apart, repeatedly throughout our lives.
(Thanks to my friend Linda for this picture in my head)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

There is a lot of me, both in width and depth... But I never seem to have enough of me to give to me. Caused by Mostly self discipline, and time. Time is not abundant because my self discipline is lacking, yea... Because I am too busy! Ha.
So when I can round up some time to to be more self disciplined, I'll schedule in time to give to myself.
This being said, I do know that I need to continue to work on my self... Just like everyone else. So enough for today.

A Diamond in the Ruff

A person I know was writing today about being an ol chunk of coal but would be a diamond someday. I just wanted to giggle. You see if you want to be a diamond someday, then I would see it, that in your life today you would be a good, truthful, caring, loving, non judgmental, morally a stand up sort of person... I see clearly now with my eyes and knowledge I've gained and I am unable to believe these things about this person, sadly I must say. Only because the knowledge and kindness that can and has been given off by said person in the past was visible. Yet I now see with dark clouds of thievery looming, so I have to wonder... Of The justification that has been found is so strong that it is truly believed to be a diamond someday. So much more to this story.... Maybe to be continued. 2/8/12

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"I am who I am"

I got up this morning with some neck pain and found myself in wandering thoughts.  One of them was,  Who am I..............really?   Then this came to me on facebook:

You can desire a certain attitude, a relationship, deep can't change how others feel and react to emotions in your heart. The one thing you must not compromise on is who you are. If you change to accommodate others the one they come to know is not the real you. Your integrity will eventually be called into question as who you are slowly emerges. It will be seen as 'change' but not necessarily who or what they desire. Wasted time is never recovered. Be who you are always, fully and let those who don't accept you pass by. - ct
 Do not compromise Who I am, who you are......Well I've always said, "I am who I am"  and I still am.  

But sometimes I just wonder........................... what is who I am.  
I think I KNOW....................  But some don't.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Glad and Sad

Children bring us so much joy.
At all ages.
And so many feeling arise as they reach teach new step in their lives.

Not really realizing it, From Birth We try to teach our children
everything to be ready to begin their own lives as adults.
Yet when the day has been set, and they are planning on moving away
our tears begin, and will forever continue over many new things.

Interesting how I can be glad and sad all at the same time.


I have had several days alone.  Nothing to do but watch TV and Relax.
I have had to worry about nothing, 
 The responsibility meter was at a -1.
I still had to ask so that I would know if something got done.
  But other than feed the dogs, and eat, I have had nothing that I allowed to call my attention. 
 Even though I know I have responsibilities which await my attention. as always.

So really the nothing is everything.
I think about all that I do have, everything.

Although I have relaxed a lot, and enjoyed every minute.........
I am thankful for this time of solace to reflect.
My reflection is that my life is filled with so much good.
Everything that I think about now, I can only feel the Good.
I know that like everyone there will be issues in life
and I will deal with them.

So Now............ How do I make my life Happy, I ask
Because I know to do that it is all up to me.  I have to figure out how I want it to be, and what I want it to be and then make it that way.
First step is to decide on what is necessary to keep, or not.  Then make the plan, and put it into action.

Women I know worry about so many things that I don't (I don't give it the time)
Not to say I don't have thoughts about personal things to worry about, as I do.
But I have to make those positive ones about me.

Everything I have, I will keep, it is good. 
Those things that come and try to pull me down, I shall fight.

Now I pray for Strength for my EVERYTHING!